Sensor - Occupant Classification - Front Passenger’s Seat - Calibration

FRT No: 20204303

Note: The OCS is not installed in all markets and is currently only present in North America. This OCS re-zero calibration procedure is for North America.

OCS Re-Zero Calibration

  1. Ensure that no objects are on or under the passenger seat.
    Warning: Performing this procedure with weight on the passenger seat could result in the passenger airbag not deploying as designed.
  2. Ensure that the passenger seat belt buckle is not latched.
  3. Connect a laptop with Toolbox to the vehicle.
  4. Run the "Occupant Classification System Re-Zero" procedure in Toolbox.
  5. Exit the vehicle. This turns off the driver rail and cycles the power on the vehicle.
  6. Sit in the driver’s seat again. Step on the brake pedal to turn on the drive rail to cycle the power on the vehicle.
  7. Ensure that the airbag safety indicator light displays on the instrument cluster during vehicle startup and then turns off after approximately 5 seconds.
  8. Verify that the Occupant Classification status has changed to EMPTY. If it does not, repeat steps 4-7 to perform the re-zero calibration process again.
    Note: The passenger seat signal is designed to change slowly; you may need to wait up to 15 seconds for it to reflect the current seat state.
    Note: If the re-zero calibration is not successful after 3 attempts, contact Service Engineering.
  9. Disconnect the laptop from the vehicle.
  10. Reinstall the center storage compartment.