A/C Refrigerant Leak Detection

FRT No: 18200200

Dye Injection

Note: The steps in this section are for manually injecting dye in the compressor discharge port. The Robinair AC1234-7 machine can inject dye while the machine is connected to the vehicle. If using the AC1234-7 machine, recover refrigerant, then use the "UV Dye" option to inject dye before recharging refrigerant (refer to procedure).

  1. Recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure).
  2. While the refrigerant is being recovered, remove the underhood storage unit (refer to procedure).
  3. Remove the fastener that secures the HVAC compressor discharge line.
  4. Pour 1 container of Tracerline Tracer-Stick TP-3811 Hybrid / POE ultraviolet leak detection dye into the A/C compressor discharge port and reinstall the fastener to secure the discharge line to the A/C compressor (torque 10 Nm).
  5. Recharge the vehicle with refrigerant (refer to procedure).

System Testing

  1. On the touchscreen, set the temperature to LO on both the driver and passenger controls.
  2. Run the A/C system for 10 minutes to allow the dye to circulate.
  3. Using an ultraviolet (UV) or blue light lamp, examine all A/C lines for leaks.
    Note: Leaks glow a bright yellow-green.
    Note: If the vehicle is equipped with a rear HVAC assembly, examine the A/C lines that run along the RH rocker panel to the rear HVAC assembly.
  4. Once the leak is located, recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure).
  5. Replace the defective component(s).
  6. Recharge the vehicle with refrigerant (refer to procedure).
    Caution: If a component was replaced, additional oil must be added to the system. See the end of the "Recover Refrigerant and Verify Charge" section for more information.
  7. Use a general-purpose cleaner to clean off all dye residue. This prevents leftover residue from being mistake for a leak in future repairs. Confirm that all residue is removed by inspecting all A/C lines with a UV or blue light lamp.
  8. Run the A/C system with the temperature set to LO. Inspect all A/C lines with a UV or blue light lamp to verify repairs.
  9. Fill out the Tracerline dye label and place it next to the A/C refrigerant label on the right underhood apron to inform future technicians that dye has been added to the A/C system.
  10. Reinstall all components that were removed for access.