Module - Central Body Controller - BCM (Remove and Replace)

FRT No: 17152602

Special tools required for this procedure:

Part Number Description
1082355-00-A MX BLE DONGLE

Key Pairing Removal

  1. Connect a laptop with Toolbox to the vehicle.
  2. Insert the BLE dongle into the laptop’s USB port.
  3. In Toolbox, open the "Model X Keys Diagnostics" panel.
  4. Place all available keys in the cupholder.
  5. In the "BCCEN Info" area of the panel, select Refresh.
  6. In the "Key Fob Info" area of the panel, check the Enable Key Fob Discovery box.
  7. In the "Key Fob Info" area of the panel, right-click the top row and select Connect to Device.
  8. Right-click the top row and select Remove pairing. A confirmation window appears; click Yes to unpair the key.
    Note: If a "Not Enough Keys Paired" popup window appears that asks if you want to pair more keys, select No.
  9. Right-click the top row and select Refresh Data. The "Security State" changes to Active.
  10. Right-click the top row and select Disconnect Device.
    Note: If a "Not Enough Keys Paired" popup window appears, select No.
Note: Repeat steps 7-10 for each additional key.


  1. Open the RH front and rear doors.
  2. Disconnect 12V power (refer to procedure).
  3. Remove the RH closeout extension (refer to procedure).
  4. Remove the RH lower A-pillar trim panel (refer to procedure).
  5. Fold back the carpet on the passenger side footwell.
  6. Remove the RH false floor from the vehicle.
  7. Release the clips (x2) that secure the wire harnesses.
  8. Disconnect the harnesses (x8) from the module.
  9. Remove the nuts (x3) that secure the module to the body (torque 5 Nm).
  10. Remove the module from the vehicle.


Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:

Perform a firmware update.
Tip: Connect 12V power and start the firmware update before reinstalling the components that were removed for access.

Key Pairing

  1. In Toolbox, open the "Model X Keys Diagnostics" panel.
  2. In the "BCCEN Info" area of the panel, select Refresh. The initialization process starts automatically.
    Note: If a "Not Enough Keys Paired" popup window appears, select Yes. If all keys do not automatically pair, select Retry.
    Note: The Immobilzer and Steering Column Calibration routines run automatically. If directed by Toolbox, close all doors and press the brake pedal to turn on the drive rails.
  3. Verify proper key operation.