Now that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is available to the public, people want to test, use and play around with Microsofts new and shiny OS (Metro-Style). I have made a simple step-by-step guide on how to install it on a Mac running VMware Fusion. It’s quite easy, so let’s get on with it:
Prerequisite (with download links)
– Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview
– Microsoft Windows 8 Consumer Preview
– Microsoft Windows 8 Release Preview (NEW!)
1. Install VMware Fusion (you must install/upgrade to version 4)
2. Start Fusion and choose Create New from the Virtual Machine Library
3. In the Create New Virtual Machine wizard, choose Continue without disc
4. Pick Use operating system installation disc or image and browse for your downloaded Windows 8 ISO (x32 or x64) file. Click Continue
5. Make sure the Operating System shows Microsoft Windows and Version Windows 7. Click Continue
6. Unless you want to make any customized changes to the installation (for advanced users), just hit Finish
7. Name your newly created virtual machine and hit Save
8. Fusion should automatically start the virtual machine for you, if it doesn’t just hit the Play button and it will start.
9. The next screen should look (kind of) familiar if you have installed Windows 7 before
10. After you have your Windows 8 up and running, you have to Install VMware Tools from the menu option Virtual Machine (this adds the correct video, network, sound, usb, etc. drivers)
Note: This is only available when the virtual machine is powered on and in use – follow the on-screen wizard in Windows 8 for installing it properly.
11. That’s it – you are finished! Please leave some feedback in the comment field if you found this useful. Thank you!
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