Master Cylinder (Remove and Replace)

FRT No: 33030102

Note: This procedure applies to vehicles with the vacuum brake booster only. If the vehicle has the electromechanical brake booster assembly, the master cylinder is part of the brake booster assembly. Refer to procedure 33031402 (refer to procedure).


  1. Remove master cylinder and reservoir assembly (refer to procedure)
  2. Release reservoir to master cylinder fixing lugs (x4).
  3. Release reservoir from master cylinder connections (x2) and remove.
    Note: Place suitable absorbent material around the affected area to absorb any possible fluid spillage.
  4. Remove and discard seals (x2) from master cylinder.
    Caution: Replace master cylinder seals.


  1. Installation procedure reverse of removal, except for the following:
    Warning: Only use cleaning agents and solvents in a well-ventilated area.
    Note: Clean the affected areas before installation.
  2. Bleed brakes (refer to procedure)