Bosch-Supplied Tools


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Anti Static Mat/w Wrist Grounding Cord and Wrist Strap
Model: n/a
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: n/a
Instructions: TN-14-92-003: "Electrostatic Discharge Tooling"


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Ground/Circuit Tester w/wrist strap connection (SP-101 Stanley)
Model: n/a
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: n/a
Instructions: TN-14-92-003: "Electrostatic Discharge Tooling"


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Wiss Snips
Model: Model S
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: Rear arch liners
Instructions: SB-14-12-004: "Modify Rear Arch Liners"


Tesla part number: 1049517-00-A
Description: Ergonomic Silicone Seam Roller
Model: Model S
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: n/a
Instructions: Battery Blanket (Remove and Replace)


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Ground Cable
Model: n/a
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: n/a
Instructions: TN-14-92-003: "Electrostatic Discharge Tooling"


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Rivet Nut Installer 6mm
Model: Model S
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: Underbody shield
Instructions: Rivet nut installer instructions


Tesla part number: n/a
Description: Coolant System Tester (Pump and One Adapter)
Model: n/a
Status: Distribution from Bosch
Special project/SOP: n/a
Instructions: Cooling System - Drain and Refill
Note: Only the reservoir adapter is used for this procedure.